A. Professional experience
Research Associate in Academia
- RTE-SNCF (Oct 2023 – …) Ambitious project with RTE and SNCF, also in collaboration with Eurobios. Machine learning, operational research, and network science, toward modern scalable predictive maintenance.
- AIfluence project (Jan 2021 – Oct 2022) is a project funded by the Region Île-de-France and allows the collaboration between SNCF and Quantmetry for the forecasting of the passengers’ affluence (ticket validations) on the public railway transportation system of the Region. Center Borelli is the third partner holding the scientific responsibility. I am the primary responsible for the Centre Borelli side.
- MORANE project (Sep. 2016 – 2018) was launched in collaboration with SNCF, the French National Railway Company. The project is on the modeling and the study of transportation circulation and the aim is to investigate various related problems.
- CITEPH project (Sep. 2016 – 2017) was in collaboration with Schlumberger and is on the study of geological data originating from oil wells. I work on the side of ENS Cachan to provide related solutions.
- Sodatech project (Sep. 2013 – Sep 2016) which was funded by the French government in the frame of the program “Investments for the Future – Big Data“. The project is related to diffusion processes and marketing in social networks. My role was to be the primary research coordinator and responsible for the side of CMLA. The project employed 3 researchers, 1 PhD student, and 1 research engineer. Various ideas were developed as academic side-projects in collaboration with intern students (at License and Masters level) that we supervised.
- Data Mining and Decision Support Tasks in the framework of the E.U. research program ARTreat (www.artreat.org) funded by FP7-224297 – Large-scale Integrating Project (IP), 10 months during 2010–2012. Objective: Development of data mining and decision support systems for the atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries based on patient records.
- Cheminformatics project: Rapid automatic identification of natural products in crude extracts based on NMR data (collaboration between Dept. of Computer Science and Dept. of Chemistry, University of Ioannina). Collaborators: V.G. Kontogianni and A. Tzakos.
Shorter exploratory studies
Analysis of toxicological data (2014): as part of the MLMDA group, I was involved in the statistical analysis of toxicological data related to incidents of intoxicated individuals (collaborator from the medical side: Prof. Frédéric Baud, Saint-Louis Lariboisière Fernand-Widal, Paris).
Consulting / Applied research for industrial partners
- Centre for the Atomic Energy (CEA) (Paris), collaboration to set and evaluate a use-case for the French-Bavarian AI Cup (end Nov 2021-2022)
- Bertin (Paris), (supervising Anthea Merida’ PhD, 2020-…)
- Kepler Cheuvreux (Paris) (collaboration to design a recommendation engine for trading of financial products, Oct 2018-Feb 2019)
- SigFox (Paris), (supervising Batiste Le Bars’ PhD, 2017-2018)
- SNCF (Paris), 2016 (MORANE Project – ongoing work)
- 1000mercis (Paris), (SODATECH project – 2013-2016)
- Schlumberger (Paris),2016 (ongoing work)
- Suez Environement (Paris), 2015
B. Academic Service
PhD jury member
- Thesis of Munir Atiq, (supervisors M. Mougeot and N. Vayatis), Centre Borelli, ENS Paris-Saclay, June 2022
- Thesis of Batiste Le Bars, (co-supervisor with N. Vayatis), Centre Borelli, ENS Paris-Saclay, January 2021
- Thesis of Mathilde Fekom, (co-supervisor with N. Vayatis), Centre Borelli, ENS Paris-Saclay, January 2021
- Thesis of Lina Cristancho-Fajardo, (supervisors: Elisabeta Vergu and Pauline Ezanno), INRA(E), Jouy en Josas, Paris area, Jan 2019 – …
- Thesis of Kevin Scaman, (co-supervisor with N. Vayatis), CMLA, ENS Cachan, October 2016
Referee service / Conference Program Committee
- (J) Pattern Recognition
- (J) IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE)
- (J) Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR)
- (J) IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing (TSP)
- (J) Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
- (J) Elsevier Signal Processing
- (J) Bioinformatics
- (J) Journal of Pattern Recognition Research
- (J) Scientific Reports
- (J) EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing
- (J) Information Sciences
- (J) Scientific Research and Essays [Open Access]
- (J) Mathematical Modeling of Natural Phenomena (MMNP) [Open Access]
- (J) Image Processing Online (IPOL) [Open Access]
- (C) Neural Information Systems (NIPS / NeurIPS)
- (C) International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML)
- (C) International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN)
- (C) International Symposium on Neural Networks (ISNN)
- (C) Hellenic Conference on Artificial Intelligence (SETN)
- (W) International Workshop on Data Science for Social Media and Risk (SOMERIS – ICDM’16)
- (P) Evaluation of ANR Projects on the “Data, Knowledge, Big Data, Multimedia Content, Artificial Intelligence” research theme (2018)
- International Workshop on Interpretable Machine Learning in Healthcare (ICML2022)
- (E) Evaluation committee for candidates of the Elis PhD program (2021-2022)
- PC member for the MLBriefs event related to IPOL online open-access journal
Event organization
- Workshop Borelli MLBriefs – Two editions (May & Oct 2022)
- Part of the organization team of the French-Bavarian AI Cup (end of 2021-2022)
- Part of the organization team of the French-German Summer-schools 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021 that brings together Academia and Industry
- Part of the organization team of the Île-de-France AI for Industry Challenge (2019-2022)
Other service
- Responsible for the organization of the MLMDA group seminars at ENS Cachan (Sep 2017 – now).
- Supporting the dissemination of research results of the group through its website (implementation and maintenance)
- Volunteer in European Conference on Machine Learning 2011 (ECML-KDD), Athens, Greece, 5–9 September 2011